Girls Softball League of Westfield




Please consider partnering with us this year to bring an optimal softball experience to our K-8th grade Girls here in Westfield!  Thank you in advance for your participation.


Mike Esposito, Fundraising & Sponsorships

Girl Softball League of Westfield

Robert Zerafa, President

Girl Softball League of Westfield


The Girls Softball League of Westfield, Inc., as of February 23, 2007,  is designated by the Internal Revenue Service to be a Public Charity under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and all contributions made are deductable by the donors under section 170 of the Code.  We are also qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, and transfers or gifts under section 2055, 2106 or 2522 of the Code. If it is necessary to sp


Please direct questions to:

Mike Esposito